
A New Banner for Ace

Appropriately we had a total of 69 votes in the banner poll.

It was clear that with 53% of the vote in a four way race that banner #1 was the Bobby Jindhal of the competition.

So now we a have a late entry that a lot of people think may have what it takes (Hello Mr.Thompson)*.

Here is our previous winner:

And the new challenger:


*Did you kids get both references?

PS: For all that asked the images were created using the Gimp open source tool. 'Cause if I have one motto: If it's free. It's for me!

And yes I have each component of the image with alpha channels (transparent backgrounds) stored in separate files. They are both in Gimp's xcf format and in png.

Also I have them stored in source control (Subverion) hosted on a remote secure and nightly backed up box...'cause I am a big IT dorkousmalorkous.

The grey background it just to keep it close to the orginal.


Anonymous said...

these are awesome!
--Tushar D

Gregory said...


Anonymous said...

I like the deck of cards effect. Are those the co-bloggers?

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I like #1 best.

Liberrocky said...

I did not think about it that way...but yeah sure.

And of couse If you flipped them over they would be all jokers.

Anonymous said...

I like the first one, EXCEPT you should swap the quote and title and get rid of the asterisk.

I like the award on there (after the title), but I like the quote ABOVE the title.

Conservative Belle said...

Good job, Libberocky.

I voted for 2.

Anonymous said...


I like #1 but I'd suggest taking out the asterisk.

While you're redesigning things, can you fix the new comment thingy too?

Anonymous said...

While looking at the pretty pictures, I was distracted by the poll about God, esp. the choice for "Unlikely that he exits".

Dude, that's deep.

Liberrocky said...

While looking at the pretty pictures, I was distracted by the poll about God, esp. the choice for "Unlikely that he exits".

Dude, that's deep.

Yeah I am an idiot. Thanks for noticing.

Anonymous said...

Well I'm not going to bring up how long it took me to figure out what you meant. Under an hour, really.

When morons confuse morons...

Michael said...

Number one, the second in the column.

BTW, avoid at all costs the label "conservative." It's eternally associated with guys who wear wingtips to school.

Anonymous said...

My vote would be for this banner.

Anonymous said...

#1; but can we get more blood, or mustard, or something on it? It's too clean. Beer rings, maybe?

Dave in Texas said...

I'm like, the 4 of clubs.

Liberrocky said...

agip said...
#1; but can we get more blood, or mustard, or something on it? It's too clean. Beer rings, maybe?

I was thinking cigarette burns.

Anonymous said...


pajama momma said...

I agree. #1 w/out the asterisk

Anonymous said...

Is it possible you could create a banner more suggestive of the AOSHQ Lifestyle? Something with Valu-Rite vodka, perhaps?

Edward Von Bear said...

I gotta have more cowbell!

Or at least some dead hobos.

Oh, and #1 withouth the asterisk.

Anonymous said...

#1 without the asterisk is my choice.

Anonymous said...

I would suggest changing the drop shadow on the text to some sort of subtle highlight. And also try and find a way to reduce the file size, maybe split it into two images, a .jpg for the cards and a .gif for the text.

Of course I mean this as constructive criticism, they look really good. I like that the text is the same color as the cards, and I think the cards look fantastic. #1b. is my favorite.

Anonymous said...

I like #1's best.

It seems to me that the gray background is the blog background. I like it in the banner but it will also appear gray below the banner when the ad banner appears also. You might want to take what that might look like into account, considering your AoSHQ Banner border and all.

Liberrocky said...

dorkafork and dusty:

I have transparent versions of all the components that make up the image. It is totally flexible.

Anonymous said...

The defect of the second banner is its having two Aces of Spades. There's only one Ace of Spades, literally and figuratively.


Anonymous said...

What happened to the Best Conservative Blog tag?

What's the point in winning if you can't rub everyone's face it in it for the next year?

Anonymous said...

Good work. I prefer the top one. The 2 decks of cards are too cluttered.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I like the title under the quote, but two decks is too much.